I can roughly classify the effect movies have on me into three categories:
(By the bye, it strikes me as strange and yet fundamental this urge to name and classify everything. It is possibly because we are so afraid and intimidated of the unknown. And we find solace in the security provided by naming everything that we identify or more importantly do not identify. Come to think of it, barring physics, the other two major sciences have done just this since the dawn of civilization.
- Immediate gratification: Most movies which I will rate as good will fall in this category. These movies are all over my senses and keep me in a state of excited appreciation for about a week, in the least.
- Gradual appraisal: Some movies, like most books, do not appeal to me in real time. The movie is realised, in bits and pieces, in a continued fashion over a period. What happens mostly is a total recall, when a real life incident activates my movie-memory cells and a particular scene flashes right in front. I am invariably exclaiming in my insides “So, this is what it was” or “Ah, now I get it”.
- Instant dislike: These are those I regret having wasted my time on. Anyways.
I welcomed the New Year in true movie-buff style- watching three movies back-to-back,
So what is the point of writing it all here? I do this because there was a strange, distinct and an unmistakable shouting-sameness in these movies which I found very intriguing. Actually, I should add the Time Machine (viewing date:
Personally, there could not have been a more perfect coincidence of any other set of three movies - three different storylines but the same underlying theme- evolution. The most arresting features were:
- All three movies are based on hugely popular fiction, albeit by authors historically unrelated.
- A fight between the good and the evil holds centre stage across the trio. Essentially, it is a fight for survival, survival of the fittest. The stories all end by declaring the Good as victorious. Hope and belief are after all our only staff in this universe. If you try to give it all a bird’s eye view, a realisation is born that the greatest stories have and will be those which attempt to answer the questions that have always haunted us- questions of our purpose, our future and our evolution.
- There is this remarkable Middle Earth civilisation similarity in LOTR and Time Machine.
- A predominance of the Spiderman-type creatures or likewise characterised creatures/robots, crawling all over the place. A common cinematic depiction which strikes as strange is those scenes where these creatures/machines are climbing up or down tall pillars in magnitudes that defy imagination.
Now, the directors of these movies are not the same. Hence the logical conclusion is that either the human mind is pre-programmed to think of such (very agile and combining the best of lizards, monkeys and kangaroos) creatures or that the most creative minds of our civilization (Tolkien, H G Wells and Isaac Asimov) are hinting at some greater and pending phenomenon.
It’s a dream now to make a movie myself. Whenever I have had enough of doing whatever I am trying to do with my life (and I have some handsome amount of cash to my name), I will just go ahead and make a movie. I only plan to produce and act in the movie. Invitations are open to everyone who would like to be associated in any form what so ever in this mega venture. Already the movie has the support of two of the most creative talents of this college. Seems like a good start. The story line will evolve as it has to, we are in no hurry.
Well, u certainly had fun on New Years! ... ;) And I'd love to be a part of ur movie venture whenever it takes off... Part of the writing? Perhaps a bit of acting even? LOL.... Cheers!
anup.777, at January 01, 2006
Good...I'll make a note of that commitment
Cherry, at January 01, 2006
I m not a very big time fan of movies & I also cant contribute in ur movie venture as far as acting n music is concerned.. bt yea if destiny n my pocket will permit I will surely love to finance some part of it...
Sparsh Gupta, at January 01, 2006
oh yes..i'd like to cover the background score. a.r rehman wud have to wait. and i wont mind a fleeting guest appearance either! and maybe some creative inputs to the storyline as well..
AK., at January 01, 2006
and weren't we suppose to have a 'muhurat' or a red carpet bash to announce our most formidable venture, my dear partner?
Anonymous, at January 02, 2006
and I 'll be your LG
Winterborne, at January 03, 2006
I am loving this deluge of support...thank you guys!
Sounds like an award acceptance sppech, eh?!
And winterborne, this seems like another of your NY resolutions...
Cherry, at January 04, 2006
so send me the script!! ill read it ;) and get back to you...
Aadith, at January 07, 2006
interesting observation about the hints by these poeple...
Its quite a coincidence that u saw these three movies on a new year.. indications of things to come ??
Anonymous, at January 13, 2006
interesting observation..and liked ur idea of making a movie and i hope u do see the third part of lotr..coz by far it's the best and to ur adventure with neal and nikki ..god give us ppl peace after death who saw that piece of keep writting u do have a nice style of telling details
Shishir, at April 16, 2006
Ahh .. it's a belted comment.. I was too busy with work that I was almost forgot about all other things ... anyways I believe in better late than never .. -:).
this is in deed a good topic( one of my fav ) to discuss, I think deciding a movie is "good" or "bad" depends upon the individual, as you have said "Neel n Nikki" was waste of time and money for you, I am sure there are lot of guys and gals who have really liked the movie, our taste buds( for movie, painting, books etc etc) grows based on our upbringing, social structure, association, individual moral values and off course educauiotion.
Almost all my friends like Aparna Sen's movie, when they say like it ..I analyze in this way ... since we are too much exposed to movies like "Sholay" or Govinda and Karishma Kappor kinda movie( all these biwi number 1, collie number 1 stuff ), Aparna Sen kind of movie gives us a different flavor .. now interesting point is I think Neel and Nikki is also different type of movie( they call this movie for new generation, or may be a diff genre ) compare to so called bollywood formula but you( not only you I think very few ppl actually liked the movie ) didn't like the movie, on the contrary Mr and Mrs Ayar floored you .. isn't it interesting ?
I think the story of the movie and most importantly the treatment makes a huge difference.
Now, be honest to this question .. if bolloywood only produce movies like "Mr. and Mrs Ayar" and we would have brought up with these types of movies .. would you have floored with "Mr and Mrs Ayar" ..?? I think "no", so, the answer lies in "change" ... tasting new flavor .. ( but at the same time our taste buds are very sensitive, it doesn't like all the flavor(consider "Neel n Nikki") ).. we look for change .... want to taste new flavor of life do you think ?
And good to know that you are a movie buff, I was a movie buff since my college days, my all time fav director is "Rittik Ghatak", he has done awesome work in Bengali cinema, ( I am not sure whether you can follow Bengali cinema at all, if yes you can try out one or two movies from this crazy diamond).
and I am really excited to know that you want to make a movie.. that's good, 3 of my friend wanted to do that( now they are all happily lived so called "Software Engineer") .. now you are the fourth one.
Ahh .. I can do the music in your movie( considering there will not be any conflict with my artistic mind -:) ) , but as you know I am very much biased on rock.. in fact you can make a movie on "ideology of Syd Barrett", ( heard of him ? he was the guy who founded "Pink Floyd" ), he was an interesting character for sure, as more you study on this genius you will be perplexed. and if I am correct you are gradually becoming an admirer of Floyd works...
Neo, at May 04, 2006
Neo, thank you for introducing me to Joe Satriani and Hendrix- I totally love their music now! Even more than Floyd at times.
Yes, I have heard about Rittik Ghatak, but sadly never got a chance to see to any Bengali movie. I feel so deprived of not having seen any Ray as yet! If you happen to be in Calcutta when I come, maybe you could give me some CD's.
For now, start thinking of the music that you want to put in the movie!!
You know, my idea of rock till sometime back was- noise and sadness. Because, most of what I had heard was really loud and the words were nothing but dispair. But now, with exposure to certain different groups, I do not detest it as much.
Another interesting development- I recently read a book which said that "Music is the antithesis of words". I really appreciated that. That is what I had been thinking but never quite been able to put in form. So you can understand the new found interest in Satriani, Steve and Hendrix. They give you good music without alloying it with crappy words.
But I dont know, I still know very little/nothing about guitar techniques or anything of that sort. So if you feel my comments are immature (because I have seen people are really serious about music comments), that I am sorry.
Movies is not something I would like to comment on- the topic has become so stale on this blog. The most recent one I saw was ICE AGE II- was good fun.
Wish I can start posting again. Someday, I will get back to it full force. There are so many things now.
Cherry, at May 05, 2006
wow ..great to know started liking "Hendrix" and Satriani stuff.. so how do you fell about "Voddo Child" or "Red House", or "Hey Joe"..this is one the thing I feel bad about is .. why hendrix died so young..he was an instution himself. by now you must have heard off "Surfing with Alien" or "Love thing" btw, have u heard of Eric Clapton( another old and glod )try out these numbers( Cockane, Layla, Crossroads ).
but honestly I don't like much Steve Vai( he is kind of different genre), and have u got a chance to listen to GNR numbers .. the gutuerist( named Soul Hudson aka Slash ) is siimply awesome.. but they are little loud( I would suggest try out .. November Rain or Sweet child o mine ).
I have almost all the movies of "Rittik Ghatak" and also "Ray".
but I am not sure whether I will be in kolkata when you will come for your vacation,if I will be there they are all yours.( for somedays only ... -:) )
btw: there is one guterist named Yangve Mamlmsteen .. he also plays very nice and perhaps the fastest hand in guter these days, if you get a chance try out him as well.
Neo, at May 05, 2006
hi cherry!
yeah. you should surely watch 36 chowringhee lane.
slow as it begins, but grows on you gradually.
just saw a guest screening last week here at chennai.
aparna sen and dhritiman chatterji were part of it too.
there was an exclusive rendezvous with them after the screening.
Ram Iyer, at July 17, 2006
Mere ko director bana dena plzzzzzzzz I hope u rem my habbit of trying to get everything under my ctrl...
Anonymous, at September 16, 2006
Hmmm...This is indeed an interesting topic to discuss.
Let me start with what all movies I have seen (among the ones mentioned here)
Neal n Nikki.......I manage to see last 5 mins. of the movie...Surprisingly I liked whatever I saw in that last 5 mins.
Mr. and Mrs. Iyer…..Really a good movie, but missed …behold….. the last 5 mins. (I still don’t know what happened?)
I Robot….Saw first 15 mins. …was starting to like when the link failed (was watching online :-) )…..Some how I manage to see an incomplete movie.
Lord of the ring……..there r so many of them…I saw 1 or 2 …liked them partially.
Time Machine ………I guess I saw the old one…becoz the special effects were tacky. However the time traveling concept has always fascinated me…so liked it.
I too like the work of Shahrukh Khan (on risk of being repetitive…he has huge amount of enery in his performances) , Sanjay Leela Bansali (Genius…Huge fan) and A. R. Rahman( Again a genius…though I don’t like all of his songs). I wonder when will this trio work together in a movie…
By the way can I direct your movie?
Anonymous, at January 25, 2007
recently saw Mr and mrs iyer. i wanted to see that movie ever since i read this blog of yours (wanted to figure it out why you mentioned that particular movie as a contrast to neal and nikki)
i guess it will fall under the first category type of movie for you.Right?
actually, though you might know it, but i guess the reason we (humans, including you) like a lot of movies is beacuse we relate and associate ourselves with some character in the movie. yes there are another 20-30% movies which are too good just because of effects or story like italian job etc but for atleast 50% of the movies, wheher we like it or not, this decison is taken depending on "how we relate to a character" factor.
Probably the same happened for you with Mr & Mrs iyer. Correct me if i am wrong.
Anonymous, at May 12, 2007
hie this blog is wery nice should be gather the bollywood heroins he was nice person so great in the man........ ok bye keepit up...........
Anonymous, at March 05, 2008
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