Four, too many.
Most of the blogs that I have come across till date have articles which kind of formally inaugrate or introduce the blog to the world. Now, it so happens that I maintain a total of four blogs and offer no reason or consolation to the blogging community for the same.
I have henceforth decided not to refrain from this duty; so here goes.
The first blog I ever saw was Dhananjay's (I thought it had a rather creative title; now I learn it was courtesy Thomas Hardy). Anyways that first sparked off a desire to see for myself how this blogging business worked.
[The concept was till then anything but clear. I had read about it everywhere but you know how it is with new things and specially technologies, until you have experienced it yourself, you just cannot appreciate it. Moreover, I was at a loss understanding why would people want to post their personal feelings, experiences, views etc on such an open medium as the World Wide Web (the first definition that I got of weblogs from somewhere was "personal web diaries").]
So the excitement, experimentation and gross inexperience somehow led me to create one blog after the another. Thankfully I stopped at four for lack of appropriate titles! Probably the idea that was in mind was that one blog is supposedly for a singular interest or something on similar lines, really cannot recall the actual reason.
Anyways, that was that.
Now, it appears to me that this blogging medium is fast becoming something like an open expression-confession platform. Even if I dont end up writing everything I feel like, most of the time the first thought that crosses my mind, whenever things happen differently, is to post it here.
In the beginning you tend to write more consciously, you expect people to post comments and remarks, you keep checking the site meter etc. But later, detachment creeps in and you like the blog for what it is meant to be.
I have henceforth decided not to refrain from this duty; so here goes.
The first blog I ever saw was Dhananjay's (I thought it had a rather creative title; now I learn it was courtesy Thomas Hardy). Anyways that first sparked off a desire to see for myself how this blogging business worked.
[The concept was till then anything but clear. I had read about it everywhere but you know how it is with new things and specially technologies, until you have experienced it yourself, you just cannot appreciate it. Moreover, I was at a loss understanding why would people want to post their personal feelings, experiences, views etc on such an open medium as the World Wide Web (the first definition that I got of weblogs from somewhere was "personal web diaries").]
So the excitement, experimentation and gross inexperience somehow led me to create one blog after the another. Thankfully I stopped at four for lack of appropriate titles! Probably the idea that was in mind was that one blog is supposedly for a singular interest or something on similar lines, really cannot recall the actual reason.
Anyways, that was that.
Now, it appears to me that this blogging medium is fast becoming something like an open expression-confession platform. Even if I dont end up writing everything I feel like, most of the time the first thought that crosses my mind, whenever things happen differently, is to post it here.
In the beginning you tend to write more consciously, you expect people to post comments and remarks, you keep checking the site meter etc. But later, detachment creeps in and you like the blog for what it is meant to be.
Truly a good one, and a very a interesting topic, allow me to say something .... when I write blogs( Almost 90% of my blogs are techie stuff ), it really doesn't play in mind that whether anybody is going to watch my blog, it's thoroughly my opine/views on something, but when I publish it I really want my friends should read( not only read I want their to comment as well ).
Reason being I have separated writing and publishing activities since I write lot of stuffs, but before publishing, I read it at least twice and only if I feel it is good enough to put it on net then only I will do so( which means my conscious( or sub-conscious mind ) is sure that some people will go thru my blog ). else not.
I follow a simple rule .. I put the url of my blog as hyperlink in my Yahoo messenger status, so my friends(most of us are connected thru yahoo messenger) easily go to my blog( just clicking on the hyperlink) , and I found it works. I must say this is not the most effective way to hook your friend's in your blog, may be there are some more interesting and useful ways.
But I think everybody of us want that people( at least friends ) should read his/her blogs and also comment, it's a kind of appreciation ( is it a correct word ?? )
Lastly , I must admit that you have got a good( venerated in my language )hand, keep up writing such stuffs, it's really refreshing.
Neo, at August 22, 2005
Sorry to have disappointed you with the confession.Well, read Thomas Hardy if you can.
I guess you should keep a central blog called " Blogs 4 you" hehe
Winterborne, at September 01, 2005
I wish people would leave comments on my blog, so I figure I will encourage it by leaving them messages on theirs.
Anyway, check out my website if you have a few minutes. Its an interesting new product about Portable Lighting.
You can find it at Portable Lighting. There is a nice powerpoint presentation too...
PS: Keep blogging
a, at October 04, 2005
I think blogs can gain a social platform and can become more than a confessional storyboard but if poor
sod's like me blog and don't know whats going to happen?
mayank, at October 16, 2005
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